Auto auctions in the United States are not well known to the public at the present time, but they play a huge role in the second-hand wholesale vehicle market. The vast majority of auto auctions remain closed auctions, simply meaning that currently only dealers can use them.
Our system enables consumers from around the world to participate in automotive auctions and to purchase vehicles from various Insurance Companies, Banks, Leasing Companies, Wholesalers, Fleets and Franchise Dealers through one centralized online portal. All types of vehicles are offered through our site, but we heavily specialize in salvage, which makes our offering very unique. Since the automotive salvage industry is heavily regulated, only a limited number of buyers around the US are able to purchase such vehicles, but our system enables the general public to participate in salvage auctions without restrictions.
Today we offer over 500,000 vehicle listings weekly to over 1,000,000 registered buyers around the globe, who are serviced by our international affiliate locations in addition to the USA. Distance and time difference are no longer an issue in our marketplace. We also offer transportation services around the globe to improve our customer's buying experience.
The automotive salvage industry is heavily regulated and only a limited number of US buyers can participate in salvage auto auctions. Our system extends that capability to the general public around the globe, and also creates a single web portal for auto auctions consolidating all of them on the same site, making it a preferred search place and a simple platform to work with. There is a constant supply of salvage vehicles which keeps increasing every year. The more vehicles we have on the roads, and the more electronics and safety features we operate with, the more these type of vehicles will keep getting written off after accidents due to the increasing repair costs. At the same time more consumers realize the savings and advantage of purchasing such vehicles for rebuilding, customizing, hot-rodding, parting out, exporting, etc., and that's what differentiates Global Auto Auctions from its competitors.
We export from Auctions USA, Container and Logistical Services to Europe, Africa, Middle East, South America, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Thailand, the Gulf Region, UK, and other International Ports. To know the exact international shipping rates, please clicking here.