Global Auto Auctions Brokers Learn About Third-Party Brokers Many vehicles on Global Auto Auctions require business licenses in order for individuals to be able to bid and buy. If you don't have a business license, you can bid on vehicles that require licenses through a third-party Broker as an option. Global Auto Auctions provides a list of approved Brokers.
If you already have a business license, upload your license to your account. International Buyers will have to provide dealer or dismantler license(s) from their country or a document that confirms that their main business is buying and selling vehicles.
Third-party Brokers are professional buyers who help facilitate vehicle purchases that require you to have business licenses you may not have, so you can still bid and buy the vehicles you want, even without the appropriate documentation. However, Brokers are independent of Global Auto Auctions. When using a Broker to purchase vehicles, you are buying vehicles through the Broker and not Global Auto Auctions. Some Brokers have physical storefronts that you can visit in person.
Even businesses that already have business licenses uploaded to their account may still be referred to a Broker. Some states require dealer or dismantler license(s) to bid on vehicles.
Many Brokers also often provide the following:
Not all Brokers are able to purchase vehicles in every state or every type of vehicle. In order to find the Brokers who can help facilitate your purchase, here are the recommended steps.
Remember that Brokers are independent of Global Auto Auctions. When using a Broker, you are buying vehicles through the Broker and not Global Auto Auctions. As a result, be sure to read and understand the Broker's additional terms, including payment terms and conditions. You should also review the Broker's qualifications thoroughly to ensure that the Broker meets your vehicle purchasing needs, as not all Brokers can facilitate the purchase of every vehicle.
Searching and bidding on No License Required vehicles is another option for individuals who do not have a business license and do not wish to buy with a Broker or other third-party company. There are No License Required vehicles in a variety of makes, models and conditions.
View Inventory ›Another option to bidding and buying vehicles that require you to have a business license is to get additional licenses from the state in which you plan to purchase vehicles. Check with your state to see the process and requirements for obtaining a business license.
Every state has different licensing requirements, meaning in some states you'll need a business license in order to bid and buy vehicles. Visit the State's Licensing Requirements page to check what licensing requirements your state has and to learn more.